3D Printed Lab Equipment

Linear Actuator

This device precisely changes the linear position of a sample (e.g. inside a 5mm NMR tube). The sample must fit into a small test tube, as the bore size of the actuator is 5mm. We have been using the actuator to position the sample inside a magnetic field as with a Halbach Mandhala. However, its handiness is not limited to physics and could reliably be used for activities in any science. (For example, biologists may use it in manipulating slides.) The layperson could even use it in any situation requiring precise movement of small objects.

Click here to download the 3D print files on Thingiverse

The first file is our first version of the model. Then we made it more compact and altered the design to be easier to construct. This ‘mini-actuator’ is made of the 4 pieces in the last four files. This is not a final model, and more changes may be to come. We also invite you to edit it as you see fit!

This model was originally made by high-schooler, Arav Misra, and edited by Sarah Lawrence Physics undergraduates working under Merideth Frey, PhD. The most recent model ‘mini-actuator’ model was designed by Lee Brown.

Magnet Holders and Caps

In order to help safely construct our magnets and map the magnetic field of our Mandhala, Lee Brown designed some nice 3D-printed equipment. This includes magnet holders to hold our two different sized Mandhalas into place for using the xy stage to map the magnetic field.

Mandhala Holders for Magnetic Field Mapping

After learning how tricky it is to move around magnets in the Mandhalas (especially if you don’t want magnets flying out…), Lee Brown designed caps that can be rotated to the desired location on each of the Mandhalas so only one magnet can be taken out or put in at a time. (Initially people’s hands were playing this role, so this is a much needed improvement!)

Mandhala Caps for Inserted Magnets Safely