>>> say_ok() say "ok": bad say "ok": what? say "ok": this is so silly say "ok": ok finally! >>> say_ok() say "ok": ok finally! >>> say_something('abracadabra') say the magic word: please say the magic word: ok say the magic word: bad say the magic word: abracadabra finally! (It only took you 4 tries!) >>> say_something('x') # note that we do not handle plural v singular say the magic word: x finally! (It only took you 1 tries!) >>> bad_menu() Choose from our menu: 1. Grammatical Gremlins 2. Spelling Sorcerers 3. Wordy Wizards Enter the number of your selection: 1 Sorry there are a bug in the game. >>> bad_menu() Choose from our menu: 1. Grammatical Gremlins 2. Spelling Sorcerers 3. Wordy Wizards Enter the number of your selection: 2 Kernal Musterd with the Nife in the Liberry. >>> bad_menu() Choose from our menu: 1. Grammatical Gremlins 2. Spelling Sorcerers 3. Wordy Wizards Enter the number of your selection: 3 Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. >>> bad_menu() Choose from our menu: 1. Grammatical Gremlins 2. Spelling Sorcerers 3. Wordy Wizards Enter the number of your selection: No! "No!" is not an integer! Not an option. You win! >>> even_odd() I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": even Correct! (I was thinking of 680326.) 1 >>> even_odd() I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": odd Wrong! (I was thinking of 222614.) 0 >>> even_odd() I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": odd Correct! (I was thinking of 569355.) 1 >>> even_odd() I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": whatever Wrong! (I was thinking of 686091.) 0 >>> even_odd_repeater(5) Playing 5 rounds of the even-odd game I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": even Correct! (I was thinking of 75580.) I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": odd Wrong! (I was thinking of 386472.) I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": even Correct! (I was thinking of 787084.) I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": odd Correct! (I was thinking of 838873.) I am thinking of an integer between one and a million. Guess if it is "even" or "odd": odd Wrong! (I was thinking of 998998.) Score: 3 out of a maximum 5 points. >>> times_tables() Answer 5 simple multiplication problems in a row. You can stop by entering a negative number. What is 5 x 6? 30 correct What is 3 x 9? 23 incorrect; the correct answer is 27 What is 4 x 10? 40 correct What is 7 x 4? 28 correct What is 7 x 12? 84 correct What is 8 x 10? 80 correct What is 4 x 11? 44 correct congratulations! >>> times_tables() Answer 5 simple multiplication problems in a row. You can stop by entering a negative number. What is 9 x 5? 45 correct What is 4 x 11? -1 quitters never learn >>> warmer_colder() Guess a number between 1 and 100: 75 Ok. That was your first guess. Guess a number between 1 and 100: 60 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 50 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 40 You guessed it in 4 tries. >>> warmer_colder() Guess a number between 1 and 100: 25 Ok. That was your first guess. Guess a number between 1 and 100: 50 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 75 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 90 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 95 colder Guess a number between 1 and 100: 93 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 87 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 80 colder Guess a number between 1 and 100: 85 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 86 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 88 warmer Guess a number between 1 and 100: 89 You guessed it in 12 tries.