Decision Trees
represent discrete-valued functions
instances described by attribute-value pairs
can represent disjunctive expressions (unlike version spaces)
robust to noisy training data (unlike version spaces)
can handle missing attributes (unlike version spaces)
one of the most popular and practical methods of inductive
Idea: ask a series of questions about the attributes
of an instance in order to arrive at the correct classification
Some successful applications of decision trees:
classifying patients by disease
classifying equipment malfunctions by cause
classifying loan applications by level of risk
classifying astronomical image data
learning to fly a Cessna by observing pilots on a simulator
- data generated by watching three skilled human pilots performing a fixed
flight plan 30 times each
- new training example created each time pilot took an action by setting a
control variable such as thrust or flaps
- 90,000 training examples in all
- each example described by 20 attributes and labelled by the action taken
- decision tree learned by Quinlan's C4.5 system and converted to C code
- C code inserted into flight simulator's control loop so that it could fly
the plane by itself
- program learns to fly somewhat better than its teachers
- generalization process cleans up mistakes made by humans
- Reference: Sammut, C., Hurst, S., Kedzier, D., and Michie, D. (1992).
Learning to fly. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on
Machine Learning, Aberdeen. Morgan Kaufmann.
Example: Decision tree for
the concept PlayTennis

<Outlook=Sunny, Temp=Hot, Humidity=High,
Wind=Strong> classified as No
In general, decision trees are disjunctions of conjunctions
of constraints on attribute values.
Above tree is equivalent to the following logical expression:
(Outlook=Sunny ^ Humidity=Normal)
v (Outlook=Overcast) v (Outlook=Rain ^ Wind=Weak)
Constructing Decision Trees
Idea: Determine which attribute of the examples makes
the most difference in their classification and begin there.
Inductive bias: Prefer shallower trees that ask fewer
Example: Boolean function: first bit or second bit on.
Instance |
Classification |
A 000 |
- |
B 001 |
- |
C 010 |
+ |
D 011 |
+ |
E 100 |
+ |
F 101 |
+ |
G 110 |
+ |
H 111 |
+ |
We can think of each bit position as an attribute (with
value on or off). Which attribute divides the examples
Bits 1 and 2 are equally good starting points, but Bit 3
is less desirable.
Let's start with Bit1. The left branch of this tree
is complete -- no more work is necessary. Need to complete right
Consider Bit2 vs. Bit3. Bit2 is better:

This decision tree is equivalent to the following logical
Bit1(on) v (Bit1(off) ^ Bit2(on))
Example: Boolean function: first and last bits equal.
Instance |
Classification |
A 000 |
+ |
B 001 |
- |
C 010 |
+ |
D 011 |
- |
E 100 |
- |
F 101 |
+ |
G 110 |
- |
H 111 |
+ |
Bit1, Bit2, and Bit3 look equally good at the beginning,
but it turns out that Bit2 is actually worse in the long run:

These trees are equivalent to the following logical expressions:
(Bit1(on) ^ Bit3(on)) v (Bit1(off)
^ Bit3(off))
(Bit3(on) ^ Bit1(on)) v (Bit3(off)
^ Bit1(off))
(Bit2(on) ^ Bit1(on) ^ Bit3(on))
v (Bit2(on) ^ Bit1(off) ^ Bit3(off)) v (Bit2(off) ^ Bit3(on) ^ Bit1(on))
v (Bit2(off) ^ Bit3(off) ^ Bit1(off))
Constructing a decision tree in this manner is a hill-climbing
search through a hypothesis space of decision trees.
Tree with Bit2 attribute at root corresponds to a local
(suboptimal) maximum.
How to determine best attribute in general?
Use entropy to compute information gain.
Entropy measures heterogeneity of a set of examples.
Entropy(S) = -p(+)
log2 p(+)
- p(-)
log2 p(-)
where p(-)
and p(+) are the proportion
of positive and negative examples in S.
Entropy([9+, 5-])
= - (9/14) log2
(9/14) - (5/14) log2
(5/14) = 0.940
Entropy = 0 implies that all examples in S have the same
Entropy = 1 implies equal numbers of positive and negative

Interpretations of Entropy:
number of bits needed to encode the classification of an
arbitrary member of S chosen at random
uncertainty of classification of an arbitrary member of S
chosen at random
General case: n possible values for classification
Range of possible values: 0 <
Entropy(S) < log2 n
Information gain measures reduction in entropy
caused by partitioning examples according to a particular attribute.
where Values(A) is the set of possible values for attribute
A and Sv is
the subset of examples with attribute A = v.
The sum term is just the weighted average of the entropies
of the partitioned examples (weighted by relative partition size).
Example: Learning the concept of PlayTennis

Values(Wind) = { Weak, Strong }
S: [9+, 5-]
[6+, 2-]
[3+, 3-]
Gain(S, Wind) = Entropy(S) -
(8/14) Entropy(SWeak)
(6/14) Entropy(SStrong)
= 0.940 - (8/14) 0.811 -
(6/14) 1.00
= 0.048
Humidity versus Wind:

Similar computations for Outlook and Temp yield:
Gain(S, Outlook) = 0.246 <---
chosen attribute
Gain(S, Humidity) = 0.151
Gain(S, Wind) = 0.048
Gain(s, Temp) = 0.029
Resulting partially-constructed tree:

Decision Tree Learning Algorithm
DTL(Examples, TargetAttribute, Attributes)
/* Examples are the training examples. TargetAttribute
is the attribute whose value is to be predicted by the tree. Attributes
is a list of other attributes that may be tested by the learned decision
tree. Returns a decision tree that correctly classifies the given
create a Root node for the tree
if all Examples are positive, return
the single-node tree Root, with label = Yes
if all Examples are negative, return
the single-node tree Root, with label = No
if Attributes is empty, return the single-node
tree Root, with label = most common value of TargetAttribute
in Examples
else begin
A <--
the attribute from Attributes with the highest information gain
with respect to Examples
Make A the decision attribute for Root
for each possible value v of A {
add a new tree branch below Root, corresponding to
the test A = v
let Examplesv be the subset of Examples
that have value v for attribute A
if Examplesv is empty then
add a leaf node below this new branch with label = most
common value of TargetAttribute in Examples
add the subtree DTL(Examplesv, TargetAttribute,
Attributes - { A })
DTL performs hill-climbing
search using information gain as a heuristic.

Characteristics of DTL
hypothesis space is complete: every finite discrete-valued
function can be represented by some decision tree, so target function is
always in H
maintains only a single hypothesis -- no backtracking possible
cannot determine how many other trees are consistent with
cannot pose new queries that maximize information
uses all training examples at each step to refine
hypothesis => much less sensitivity to noise/errors
inductive bias: shorter trees preferred; trees with high
information gain attributes closer to root preferred
Hypothesis h overfits the data if there exists
with greater error than h over training examples but less error
than h over entire distribution of instances
Serious problem for all inductive learning methods
Trees may grow to include irrelevant attributes (e.g.,
Noisy examples may add spurious nodes to tree
- Effects of overfitting

Decision Tree Pruning
Reduced-error pruning
1. divide data into training set and
2. build a decision tree using the training set, allowing
overfitting to occur
3. for each internal node in tree:
consider effect of removing subtree rooted at node, making
it a leaf, and assigning it majority classification for examples at that
note performance of pruned tree over validation set
4. remove node that most improves accuracy over validation
5. repeat steps 3 and 4 until further pruning is harmful
Effects of reduced-error pruning

Rule post-pruning
infer decision tree, allowing overfitting to occur
convert tree to a set of rules (one for each path in tree)
prune (generalize) each rule by removing any preconditions
(attribute tests) that result in improving its accuracy over
the validation set
sort pruned rules by accuracy, and consider them in this
order when classifying subsequent instances

IF (Outlook = Sunny) ^ (Humidity = High)
THEN PlayTennis = No
Try removing (Outlook = Sunny) condition or (Humidity =
High) condition from the rule and
select whichever pruning step leads to the biggest improvement in accuracy on
the validation set (or else neither if no improvement results).
advantages of rule representation:
- each path's constraints can be pruned independently of other paths in the
- removes distinction between attribute tests that occur near the root and
those that occur later in the tree
- converting to rules improves readability
Continuous-Valued Attributes
Dynamically define new discrete-valued attributes
that partition the continuous attribute into a discrete set of intervals
Example: Suppose we have training examples with
the following Temp values:
Temp |
40 |
48 |
60 |
72 |
80 |
90 |
PlayTennis |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Split into two intervals: Temp < val
and Temp > val
This defines a new boolean attribute Temp>val
How to choose val threshold?
Consider boundary cases val = (48+60)/2 = 54 and
(80+90)/2 = 85
Possible attributes: Temp>54 ,
Choose attribute with largest information gain (as
before): Temp>54
This approach can be generalized to multiple thresholds.
Missing Attributes
If a training example in S is missing an attribute value
at some node during tree construction, just "guess" an appropriate value
by filling in with the most common value among other examples at that node.
If a novel instance is missing an attribute value that needs
to be tested, determine possible values for that attribute and ask decision
tree for classification assuming each possible value. Then return
a final classification based on the individual classifications weighted
by the probabilities of each attribute value.
Gain Ratio and Split Information
Variant of Gain heuristic that penalizes attributes that split
the data into many small groups (e.g., Date).
GainRatio = Gain / SplitInformation
SplitInformation = Entropy of examples with respect to
attribute values.
Reference: Machine Learning, Chapter 3, Tom M. Mitchell, McGraw-Hill,