Introduction to Computer Programming

Lab 9: lists


  1. Try these in the IDLE shell, in order, one at a time:

     >>> a = []
     >>> type(a)
     >>> len(a)
     >>> a.append('Hello')
     >>> a.append(29)
     >>> a.append(False)
     >>> a
     >>> len(a)
     >>> a.append('whatever')
     >>> a
     >>> a.pop()
     >>> a
     >>> for x in a:
     >>> seasons = ['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall']   # a list literal
     >>> seasons[3] = 'Autumn'   # lists are mutable
     >>> seasons
     >>> ','.join(seasons)
     >>> 'the quick brown fox'.split()
     >>> ns = [2, 11, 3, 7, 5]
     >>> ns[4]
     >>> max(ns)
     >>> sum(ns)
     >>> a = [99, 88]
     >>> b = a
     >>> b[0] += 1
     >>> b
     >>> a
  2. Download and unzip the starter archive. Use IDLE to open in the lab9 folder. (Re)read the functions defined in that file and experiment with using them as in:

     >>> ns = [44, 66, 55, 99]
     >>> append_first(ns)
     >>> ns
     >>> decrement_list(ns)
     >>> ns
     >>> pop_first(ns)
     >>> ns
     >>> swap(ns, 0, 2)
     >>> ns
     >>> insert_at(ns, 1, 333)
     >>> ns
     >>> build_streak(5, 7)
     >>> xs = random_list(15)
     >>> xs
     >>> ys = xs[:]   # copying the list
     >>> xs[4] = -1
     >>> xs
     >>> ys
     >>> bubble_sort(xs)
     >>> xs
     >>> ys
     >>> selection_sort(ys)
     >>> ys
  3. Experiment with using the mini_graphics module:

     >>> from mini_graphics import *
     >>> ROWS
     >>> COLUMNS
     >>> clear()
     >>> from random import randrange
     >>> for _ in range(200):
             paint(randrange(COLUMNS), randrange(ROWS))
     >>> clear()
     >>> for _ in range(200):
             paint(randrange(COLUMNS), randrange(ROWS))
  4. Included in the lab9 folder is a runnable solution module called You can use it to see the result of executing the solution version of any of the assigned exercises. After running either or your version of lab9 as a module in IDLE, you can import lab9x and access the solution versions in the IDLE shell as follows:

     >>> import lab9x
     >>> lab9x.build_zero_array(5)

If one of the exercises you are working on requires the solution to a previous exercise that you have not yet completed, you can use the solution version.

  1. Rename your as described above (following the aforementioned form). Use IDLE to open your renamed file in the lab9 folder. Remove the starter comment line in that file. Replace <YOUR NAME(s) GO HERE> with your name(s). Save as you go. Run the module in IDLE, test your functions in the IDLE shell.

Challenge problems available upon request.