Computer Organization

Logisim-evolution Circuit Design

Bit Shifter / Register File

Due: Thursday, December 15 at 5pm


To gain experience using circuit-simulation software (Logisim-evolution, in particular) and better understand how to implement either bit shifters or MIPS-like register files. For the register file, to gain experience working with clocked, write-enabled state elements. For the bit shifters, to gain experience working with subcircuits and applying principles of modularity, reuse, and hierarchical design.

What you need to do:

  1. read this document in its entirety

  2. choose whether to implement bit shifters or a register file (email your selection in response to the email officially announcing this assignment by no later than Wednesday, December 7 at 5pm)

  3. implement and thoroughly test your circuit in Logisim-evolution

  4. submit your circuit file via email attachment in response to my email officially announcing the assignment.


  1. Register file.

    Implement a register file representing four 8-bit registers such that:

    (If you choose to implement the register file, you are encouraged to read subsection of the course text entitled “Register Files” - pp. B-54-B-56 in - Appendix B.)

  2. Bit shifters.

    Implement three different bit-shifting subcircuits corresponding to the MIPS operations sll, srl, and sra such that:

Extra credit ideas