Principles of Programming Languages — Homework 15

Due by class time Tuesday, November 23


Tester Program

To use the auto-tester program for this assignment, download the files hw15-tester.scm and auto-tester.scm and put them in the same folder as your Scheme file. If you've already downloaded auto-tester.scm before, you don't need to download it again. Then put (require "hw15-tester.scm") at the top of your Scheme file.


  1. Add the logical special form (and exp1 exp2 exp3 ...) to your language by implementing it as a macro that expands to an equivalent if/else expression, according to the following syntactic expansion rules:

    (and exp) → exp
    (and exp1 exp2 exp3 ...) → (if exp1 then (and exp2 exp3 ...) else False)
    To do this, you should define the function (and-expression? exp), which returns true when given a valid and-expression, and (and-expander exp), which takes a valid and-expression and fully expands it into the equivalent (possibly nested) if/else form, according to the above recursive expansion rules. The resulting expanded code should not contain any embedded and-expressions. Examples:
    (and-expander '(and ((1 + 1) == 2)))
      → ((1 + 1) == 2)
    (and-expander '(and ((1 + 1) == 2) (pi > 3)))
      → (if ((1 + 1) == 2) then (pi > 3) else False)
    (and-expander '(and a b c))
      → (if a then (if b then c else False) else False)
    (and-expander '(and w x y z))
      → (if w then (if x then (if y then z else False) else False) else False)
    (run '(and ((1 + 1) == 2) (pi > 3)))
      → #t

  2. Add a new "shorthand" version of def expressions to your language. Shorthand definitions are only used for defining functions, and have the following syntactic form:

    (def (name param1 param2 ...) :
      body1 body2 ...)
    which is equivalent to:
    (def name
      (function (param1 param2 ...) :
        body1 body2 ...))
    For example, the following function definitions are equivalent:
    Standard syntax                     Shorthand syntax
    (def even?                          (def (even? n) :
      (function (n) :                     (if (n == 0)
        (if (n == 0)                          then True
            then True                         else (odd? (n - 1))))
            else (odd? (n - 1)))))
    (def hello                          (def (hello x y z) :
      (function (x y z) :                 (print "Hello" x)
        (print "Hello" x)                 (print "Hello" y)
        (print "Hello" y)                 (print "Hello" z))
        (print "Hello" z)))
    The shorthand version saves a line of code (and an extra set of parentheses), and may be easier to read. Implement the shorthand version of def as a macro in your interpreter, according to the above expansion rule. To do this, define two new functions: (def-shorthand-expression? exp), which tests if exp is a valid shorthand def-expression, and (def-shorthand-expander exp) that takes a valid shorthand expression and expands it into the standard form. Then add a line to m to handle shorthand definitions. For example:
    ==> (def (fact n) :
          (if (n == 0)
              then 1
              else (n * (fact (n - 1)))))
    ==> (fact 5)

Turning in Your Homework