Principles of Programming Languages — Homework 13

Due by class time Friday, November 12


Tester Program


  1. Add the infix operators // and % to your language. The expression (a // b) computes the integer quotient of a and b, whereas (a % b) computes the integer remainder. You can use Scheme's built-in functions quotient and remainder as helpers. For example:

    (run '(17 // 5))  → 3
    (run '(17 % 5))   → 2
    (run '(a // b))   → 0
    (run '(a % b))    → 1

    Autotester cases: (test: run 1 2 3 4)

  2. Add the primitive functions null?, cons, car, cdr, and list to the initial environment, as well as the special variable nil bound to the empty list. Your list primitive function should accept any number of arguments as input (possibly even zero) and return them all in a list, just like in Scheme. For this assignment, your primitive functions do not need to check for the wrong number of arguments. Examples:

    (run 'nil)  → ()
    (run '(cons 1 (cons 2 nil)))  → (1 2)
    (run '(car (cdr (list 3 4 5))))  → 4
    (run '(list a b c d))  → (1 2 3 4)
    (run '(list c d))  → (3 4)
    (run '(list))  → ()
    (run '(null? nil))  → #t

    Autotester cases: (test: run 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)

  3. Add a new primitive function (range m n) to the initial environment that accepts two integer arguments m, n > 0, and returns a list of integers from m to n−1. Hint: define a separate recursive helper function to build the appropriate list of integers. Examples:

    (run '(range 5 10))  → (5 6 7 8 9)
    (run '(range (2 + 3) (b * 5)))  → (5 6 7 8 9)
    (run '(range 0 b))  → (0 1)
    (run '(range a a))  → ()
    (run '(range 10 5))  → ()

    Autotester cases: (test: run 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20)

  4. Generalize your range primitive function so that it can accept either one or two arguments:

    (range n) generates a list of integers from 0 to n−1
    (range m n) generates a list of integers from m to n−1
    (range m n) generates the empty list if m > n

    Hint: have your primitive function check the length of its arg-list and then call your helper function from Exercise 3 with the appropriate values. Examples:

    (run '(range 10))  → (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
    (run '(range (b * 5)))  → (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
    (run '(range (2 + 3)))  → (0 1 2 3 4)
    (run '(range b)) → (0 1)
    (run '(range 0 b))  → (0 1)
    (run '(range 5 10))  → (5 6 7 8 9)
    (run '(range (2 + 3) (b * 5)))  → (5 6 7 8 9)

    Autotester cases: (test: run 21 22 23 24)

  5. Add a new boolean infix operator called in to your language that tests for membership in a list. To evaluate (exp1 in exp2), the subexpressions exp1 and exp2 are first evaluated. The result of exp1 can be any value, but exp2 should evaluate to a list. The infix expression is true if the result of exp1 is a member of the list, and false otherwise. If exp2 evaluates to a non-list, the infix expression is false. For example:

    (run '(2 in (list 1 2 3)))  → #t
    (run '(2 in (2 + 3)))  → #f
    (run '((2 + 2) in (list a b c d)))  → #t
    (run '(pi in (list 2 4 6 8)))  → #f
    (run '(pi in (list a b c pi)))  → #t
    (run '(7 in (range 5 10)))  → #t

    Autotester cases: (test: run 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33)

  6. Add support for do-expressions to the interpreter. A do-expression has the following syntax:

    (do exp ...)
    That is, a do-expression is just a list that starts with the keyword do, followed by any number of subexpressions, or possibly no additional subexpressions at all. A do-expression simply evaluates each of its subexpressions in sequential order, from left to right, and returns the result of the last expression. You will need to define a new function (do-expression? exp) that checks if exp is a do-expression, and then add some code to the interpreter to handle do-expressions. Hint: m-sequential can be used as a helper function to evaluate the subexpressions in order, but you will need to handle the "do nothing" expression (do) as a special case. Also, don't forget to add do to the list of reserved keywords. Examples:

    ==> (do (print 1) (print 2) (print 3))
    ==> (do (print "pi is about") (print pi))
    pi is about
    ==> (do (2 + 3))
    ==> (do)

    No autotester cases available.

  7. Add support for repeat-loops to your interpreter, with the following syntax:

    (repeat exp times : body ...)

    One or more body expressions may appear after the : symbol. To evaluate a repeat, the exp expression is evaluated once. The result should be a nonnegative number n. The body expressions are then evaluated in order n times, after which the loop terminates and the symbol done is returned. If n < 0, the loop should immediately return done without evaluating any of the body expressions. Hint: you can use m-sequential to evaluate the body expressions in order, but you will need to define an additional helper function to control the looping process. For example:

    ==> (repeat 3 times : (print "yadda"))
    ==> (repeat (a + b) times : (print "hi") (print "ho"))
    ==> (repeat 0 times : (print "something"))

    No autotester cases available.


You should finish the above exercises first before working on these.

Turning in Your Homework