Principles of Programming Languages — Homework 11

Due by class time Friday, October 29

  1. Download the file assign11.scm and use it as your starting point for this assignment. This is the code we developed in class today with support for 1-argument and 2-argument functions. I've reordered a few of the definitions and added some test cases at the end.

  2. Add support to the interpreter for 3-argument and 4-argument functions, by filling in the sections in the code marked You will need to complete the definitions for function3-expression?, function4-expression?, application3-expression?, and application4-expression?. You will also need to complete the corresponding lines in m that handle each of these types of expressions. However, you don't need to write any other code. A few new test programs (named prog7 through prog14) are provided at the end of the file for testing purposes.

Turning in Your Homework