Data Structures and Algorithms — Homework 6

Due by 11:59pm Wednesday, March 6


Programming Exercises

  1. Finish the exercises from Lab 6 and submit the following class definitions:

  2. Write a program called FontBrowser with the graphical user interface shown below, that allows the user to interactively browse through all of the fonts available on the system:

    The user selects the desired font from the pull-down menu. Bold and/or italic style can be specified by checking the appropriate boxes. The slider bar controls the size of the font. A text sample in the currently selected font is shown below the font controls. Choosing a new font from the menu, checking or unchecking a style box, or adjusting the font size slider bar should immediately update the text sample (and font size label) to reflect the new settings.

    You can use this code as your starting point. Here are some further hints and guidelines:

Turning in Your Homework

Files to submit:

Submit the above files using the Homework Upload Site. Please include your name and the assignment number in a comment at the top of each Java source code file. You DO NOT need to submit your compiled .class files or any other files.

If you have questions about anything, just ask!