Schedule (tentative)

Key: PP = Python Programming, SR = Supplementary readings
Week Dates Topics Readings
1 Sept. 4-6 Overview of Cognitive Science SR 1
2 Sept. 11-13 Formal systems
Python: introduction
SR 2
PP 1-3
3 Sept. 18-20 Eliza, SHRDLU, and the Turing Test
Python: strings, lists, files
SR 3-4
PP 4
4 Sept. 25-27 Symbolic AI
Python: objects, graphics, functions
SR 5-6
PP 5-6
5 Oct. 2-4 Python: decisions, loops, random numbers PP 7-8, 9.2
6 Oct. 9-11 Turing machines and computability SR 7
PP 13.4.2
7 Oct. 16-18 Universal Turing machines SR 8-9
S T U D Y     D A Y S
8 Oct. 25 Python: object-oriented programming PP 10
9 Oct. 30-Nov. 1 Python: object-oriented programming  
10 Nov. 6-8 Python: object-oriented programming  
11 Nov. 13-15 Physical symbol system hypothesis
The Chinese Room
SR 10-12
12 Nov. 20 Connectionist models of memory SR 13
T H A N K S G I V I N G     B R E A K
13 Nov. 27-29 Connectionist models of learning SR 14
14 Dec. 4-6 Embodied cognition and robots SR 15-16
15 Dec. 11-13 Embodied cognition and robots SR 17