CS 50 Homework 8 (Section 2 — Prof. Brown)

Due by class time Friday, March 29
  1. Programming Exercise P9.3 (page 392). Files to submit: Person.java, Student.java, Instructor.java, TestPerson.java

  2. Programming Exercise P9.4 (page 392). Files to submit: Employee.java, Manager.java, Executive.java, TestEmployee.java

  3. Programming Exercise P9.5 (page 392). Files to submit: Worker.java, HourlyWorker.java, SalariedWorker.java, TestWorker.java

Turning in Your Homework

To turn in your homework, put the specified files into a single folder named Your Name HW 8 and drop this folder into the drop box. If needed, you may copy your folder to a CLEAN floppy disk (one containing no other files or folders), and hand this in at the beginning of class, instead of using the drop box.