Introduction to Neural
What are neural networks?
Neural networks are computational models inspired by the
massively parallel architecture of the brain. They differ radically
from traditional, von Neumann-style sequential algorithms.
Why is brain-style computation interesting?
Because the brain is an "existence proof" that AI is possible!
Brains are fantastically good at:
face recognition
speech recognition
language understanding
language generation
pattern recognition
abstract, high-level perception
analogical thinking
Despite our best efforts, computers are still moderately to
abysmally bad
at these tasks. Why?
Brains have a number of other advantages as well:
robust and fault tolerant: nerve cells die every day without
significantly affecting performance
can easily adapt to new environmental conditions by learning
can deal gracefully with incomplete, noisy, or inconsistent
processing is highly parallel
fits inside a space of about 1400cc and weighs around 1.4kg
Why pay attention to neurobiology? (or:
"Is this a CS course, or what?!")
Because arguments from biology can provide important insights.
Simple example:
neurons are metabolically very expensive to maintain (25%
of body's energy is used by the CNS)
strong evolutionary pressure exists to minimize the number
of neurons needed for survival
human brains nevertheless contain an extraordinary number
of neurons (on the order of 100 billion!)
perhaps this means that all 100 billion are necessary to
attain human-level intelligence
number of simulated neurons in artificial neural networks
doesn't even approach this scale
most neural net research has concentrated on developing or
analyzing clever learning algorithms
maybe we're overlooking the fundamental importance of sheer
network size...?
What can neural net models do?
Learn to perform tasks from examples (supervised learning)
Discover hidden regularities in data (unsupervised learning)
Behave as associative, content-addressable memories
Field is inherently interdisciplinary, with connections
cognitive science
computer science
signal processing
information theory
Overview of the Brain
humans have on the order of 10-100 billion neurons packed
into a 3-4 pound chunk of matter
each neuron has on the order of 1000-10,000 connections to
other neurons
1013 - 1015 total connections (compare
to ~1011 stars in the Milky Way galaxy)
nevertheless, the brain is a very sparsely-connected network
(connectivity less than 0.0001 %)
glia cells serve as physical "scaffolding" for neurons
even more glia cells than neurons
neurons do not regenerate (with a few exceptions)
massive neuron death before birth (up to half of all neurons
soma - cell body
dendrites ("processes") - input fibers to the neuron
cell body
dendritic tree - full branching system of dendrites
axon - single output fiber (may be several feet long)
terminal arborization - branching structure at the
far end of the axon
synapse - connection between a terminal axon branch
and the dendrite of another neuron
presynaptic cell - the neuron providing the signal
at a synapse
postsynaptic cell - the neuron receiving the signal
at a synapse
synaptic cleft - the space between the presynaptic
membrane and the postsynaptic membrane of a synapse
synaptic vesicles - small bundles of chemical neurotransmitters
stored in the synapse
dendritic spines - small nodules protruding from dendrites;
locus of synapses
Large-Scale Organization of the Brain
Some major structures
cerebral cortex
divided into left and right hemispheres
hemispheres control opposite sides of body (except for smell)
flat sheet of neurons about 2-5 mm thick
roughly the size of a large handkerchief
"grey matter"
~ 100,000 neurons / mm2 of cortex
local connections within cortical sheet
longer-range connections between regions ("white matter")
about 40% of brain is white matter (connections are important!)
corpus callosum
links the left and right hemispheres
about half a billion fibers in both directions
motor coordination and control
thalamus (gateway to the cortex)
hippocampus (memory)
superior colliculus (vision, eye movements)
hypothalamus (regulates hunger, thirst, temperature, sex,
regulates breathing, heartbeat, etc.
Brain regions localized to some extent, but many intra-
and inter-region connections
Major functional
Frontal lobe
Prefrontal cortex (abstract reasoning, high-level cognition)
Primary motor cortex (voluntary muscle control)
Parietal lobe
Primary somatosensory cortex (touch)
Occipital lobe
Primary visual cortex (sight)
Temporal lobe
Primary auditory cortex (hearing)
Broca's and Wernicke's areas (left hemisphere; language)