Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence — Spring 2023

Assignment 5: The Backpropagation Learning Algorithm

Due by class time Tuesday, April 18

In this assignment, you will implement a basic version of the backpropagation learning algorithm for a neural network with 2 inputs, 2 hidden units, and 1 output unit, and then use it to learn simple logical functions such as AND and XOR. As a reminder, here is a summary of the mathematical details of the algorithm.

To get started, download and unzip the folder, which contains the starting code and an automated tester program, which you can use to verify that your methods work correctly.

Part 1: Basic Implementation

  1. Implement the NeuralNetwork method propagate(self, pattern). This method should take a length-2 input pattern such as [1,0] and return the output produced by the network in response. As a side effect, the NeuralNetwork's instance variables self.hidden1, self.hidden2, and self.output should be set to the newly-computed activation values of the hidden and output units.

  2. Next, implement the method total_error(self, patterns, targets). This method should take a list of input patterns and a list of their corresponding target values, and return a pair of numbers (as a tuple): (1) the total-sum-squared (TSS) error of the network with respect to the current weights and given targets, and (2) the fraction of output values that are correct (that is, within self.tolerance of the given target values), expressed as a number in the range 0-1. For example, if patterns is a list of the four binary patterns [0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [1,1], and the network produces outputs that correctly match the targets for three of the four patterns, the fraction of correct outputs would be 0.75. The TSS error is similar to the "quadratic cost" function defined in the backpropagation derivation we went over in class, but does not include the extra factors of 1/2 or 1/n.

  3. Next, implement the method adjust_weights(self, pattern, target). This method should take a single input pattern and its corresponding target value, and update all of the weights and biases in the network, according to the backpropagation learning algorithm.

  4. Next, implement the method train(self, patterns, targets). This method should perform training epochs repeatedly until the fraction of correct outputs equals 1.0. A training epoch consists of a single pass through all of the patterns and targets in the given dataset, in some order (possibly randomized). However, if self.epoch_limit epochs are reached before all of the patterns are learned to within tolerance, the training loop should terminate with the warning message "Failed to learn targets within E epochs", where E is the epoch limit. For each epoch, the epoch number, TSS error, and fraction of correct outputs should be reported, as in the example output shown below:

    >>> n.train(inputs, XORtargets)
    Epoch #   0: TSS error = 1.00399, correct = 0.000
    Epoch #   1: TSS error = 1.00349, correct = 0.000
    Epoch #   2: TSS error = 1.00221, correct = 0.000
    Epoch #   3: TSS error = 1.00102, correct = 0.000
    Epoch #   4: TSS error = 1.00031, correct = 0.000
    Epoch #   5: TSS error = 1.00004, correct = 0.000

Automated Tester Program

I have included an automated tester program called, which you should use to verify that your methods are working correctly. Make sure that this file is in the same folder as your file, and then type the command  NNinspector.part1()  at the Python prompt to test your methods from Part 1. The tester will test your NeuralNetwork methods in order. It will also test the ability of your network to learn XOR, using two different sets of initial weight values. If it detects a problem, it will immediately stop and report which method is at fault (and will try to explain what caused the problem as best it can).

Part 2: Adding Momentum

  1. To add support for momentum, your network will need to keep track of the amount that each weight and bias changed on the previous time step, so that the adjust_weights method can calculate the weight updates correctly. Add the following instance variables to the __init__(self) constructor of your NeuralNetwork class:

    self.output_bias_change = 0
    self.hidden1_bias_change = 0
    self.hidden2_bias_change = 0
    self.output_w1_change = 0
    self.output_w2_change = 0
    self.hidden1_w1_change = 0
    self.hidden1_w2_change = 0
    self.hidden2_w1_change = 0
    self.hidden2_w2_change = 0
  2. Also add the above lines to the set_weights(self, weight_list) method, so that any residual weight-change information will get reset to zero whenever a new set of weights is installed in the network. This method is mainly used by the NNinspector for testing purposes.

  3. Modify your method adjust_weights(self, pattern, target) to update the weights and biases based on the momentum parameter self.momentum, using the above instance variables to keep track of the amount that each weight and bias changed on the previous time step. Your other NeuralNetwork methods do not need to be modified. As we discussed in class, the rules for calculating the change to each weight and bias at time t, based on the previous change at time t–1, are:

  4. To test your network with momentum, type  NNinspector.part2()  at the Python prompt.

Part 3: Experiments

Once your neural network passes all of the NNinspector's tests, try training it on various logical functions such as AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and XNOR. Then run the following experiments. For each experiment, first set the learning rate and momentum to the desired values. Then train your network five times on the desired targets, starting from new randomized weights each time (by calling the initialize method, as shown in the example below), and record the number of training epochs required to fully learn the training task to within a tolerance of 0.1. What combination of parameter settings seems to give the best overall performance? How sensitive is the learning process to changes in the parameter values? Feel free to try other combinations of parameter settings or target functions, or other experiments if you wish.

    >>> n.learning_rate = 0.7
    >>> n.momentum = 0.5
    >>> n.initialize(); n.train(inputs, ANDtargets)
Experiment Targets Learning rate Momentum Average # of epochs
(over 5 trials)

What to Turn In

Submit your completed file containing your working NeuralNetwork class definition, and a short written report in PDF format describing your learning results and the experiments you tried (including your table of results from Part 3 above), using the Homework Upload Site.

If you have questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask!